Trang chủ --> Sách học Tiếng Anh : SSBD Inglish book --> UNIT 12: Present continuous (thì hiện tại tiếp diễn)
Hoàng Kim kỷ niệm 10 năm thành lập
Hoàng Kim kỷ niệm 10 năm thành lập
Tẩm quất Hoàng Kim
Tẩm quất Hoàng Kim
Tẩm quất Hoàng Kim
Tẩm quất Hoàng Kim

tin tức nổi bật

UNIT 12: Present continuous (thì hiện tại tiếp diễn)


I.          Grammar

1.         Form

Subject+to be+verb-ing


  • Example:
  • Positive form: You are watching TV.
  • Negative form: You are not watching TV.
  • Yes/no question: Are you watching TV? -Yes, I am./No, I’m not.
  • Question word: What are you doing? -You’re watching TV.
  • Note: Verb-ing (present participle)

The present participle is the ing-form of a verb; add -ing after the infinitive. (watch-watching, go-going, stand-standing...)

2.         Usage

a)         For actions that happen NOW (or not), in the moment of speaking (hành động đang xảy ra hoặc không đang xảy ra tại thời điểm nói)


  • I am not standing.
  • What are you doing?
  • Why aren't you doing your homework?

b)         Continuing actions in a long ter(hành động liên tục trong khoảng thời gian dài)

  • In English "now" sometimes can mean: a second, today, this month, this year, this century … (trong tiếng Anh, “now” đôi khi mang nghĩa: một giây, ngày hôm nay, tháng này, năm nay, thế kỉ này...)
  • To talk about an action which already started and is still continuing in the near future. (nói về hành động đã được bắt đầu và vẫn tiếp tục diễn ra trong tương lai gần)
  • Examples:
  • Right now, I am studying to become a doctor.
  • The price of rice is increasing this month.
  • Are you working on any special projects at work this year?

c)         Near future (tương lai gần)

Sometimes, speakers use the present continuous to indicate that something is planned / arranged for / in the near future. (đôi khi, người nói sử dụng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn để chỉ ra rằng việc gì đó đã được lập kế hoạch, sắp đặt cho tương lai gần)

  • Examples:
  • I am meeting some friends after work. (tôi sẽ gặp vài người bạn sau khi làm việc)
  • I am not going to the party tonight. (tôi sẽ không đi dự tiệc tối nay)
  • Is he visiting his parents next weekend? (anh ấy có thăm bố mẹ anh ấy tuần tới không?)

d)         Repetition (sự lặp lại)

Words like "always" or "constantly" say, that sth. often happens. Put the words "always" or "constantly" between "be" and the "main verb”.(những từ như “always” hoặc “constantly” thể hiện ý rằng việc gì đó thường xuyên xảy ra. Đặt “always” hoặc “constantly” giữa “be” và “động từ chính”)

  • Examples:
  • She is always coming late to class. (cô ta luôn luôn đến lớp muộn)
  • He is constantly making people happy. (anh ấy luôn làm mọi người hạnh phúc)
  • I don't like them because they are always complaining. (tôi không thích họ vì học luôn phàn nàn)

II.        Exercises

1.         Put the verbs into the correct form of present continuous.

  1. She (not / to be) going to Paris this summer.
  2. John (to have) breakfast.
  3. What (Mary / to do) when I come?
  4. Where (you / to go) now? -I (to go) to the theatre.
  5. I (to do) my homework at the moment.


2.         Make a question for the words in brackets.

  1. John is writing (a letter)
  2. The children are sitting (in the classroom)
  3. (Jenny) isn't sleeping late today.
  4. We are going (to the cinema).
  5. I'm leaving (now).
  6. Kim and Tina are playing (volleyball) in the garden.
  7. They are running (home).

3.         Here is the interview between an American journalist (AJ) and a French film star (FS). Complete it with present simple or present continuous.

AJ:  How do you start working on a film?

FS:  I (read) the script and (make) notes.

AJ:  I (make) notes of our interview. I hope you don’t mind.

FS:  No, that’s ok.

AJ:  What languages (you speak)?

FS:  English, French and Spanish.

AJ:  I’m glad that we (do) this interview in English because my French isn’t very good. Who (play) that guitar?

FS:  My son, when he has time.

AJ:  Who (play) the piano?

FS:  My sister, she has a concert tomorrow.

AJ:  What (she play)?

FS: I think it’s a piece of Mozart.

AJ:  (she play) anything else?

FS:  The violin. She’s very musical.

AJ:  Your daughter does love sports, doesn’t she?

FS:  She (play) tennis.

AJ:  Where is she now?

FS:  She (play) tennis, as usual.

AJ:  What’s that delicious smell?

FS:  My husband (cook).

AJ:  Is that usual?

FS:  Yes, normally I (shop) and my husband (cook).

AJ:  What a lovely clock!

FS:  It (not work). I’m afraid.

AJ:  Could I use you phone?

FS:  I’m afraid it (not work) at the moment.

4.         Choose the best answer

1. I … early on Saturdays.

a. get up usually

b. usually get up

c. get usually up

2. She ... late for work.

a. never is

b. is never

3. Peter … work so late.

a. doesn’t usually

b. usually doesn’t

c. doesn’t never

4. … for work?

a. often you travel

b. often do you travel

do you often travel

5. When … do your homework?

a. usually you do

b. do you usually

c. usually do you

6. She … late for class.

a. often is

b. is often

c. are often

7. My friend Jane … to concerts on Saturday evenings.

a. goes sometimes

b. does sometimes go

c. sometimes goes

8. I … in the city on Sundays.

a. am rarely

b. rarely am

c. rarely are

9. When do you … get up for work?

a. always

b. ever

c. usually

10. I … for work.

a. travel sometimes

b. don’t travel sometimes

 c. sometimes travel

11. He … English at the moment.

a. studies

b. is studying

c. does studying

12. What … this afternoon? Would you like to see a film?

a. do you do

b. is you doing

c. are you doing

13. Tom … video games. He usually does his homework in the afternoon.

a. does play

b. don’t often play

c. isn’t playing

14.  … Russian? I can only speak English.

a. are you speaking

b. do you speak

c. are you speak

15. They rarely … in the evening.

a. are going out

b. go out

c. goes out

16. … golf on Saturdays?

a. do you play

b. are you playing

c. does you play

17. … golf this Saturday?

a. do you play

b. are you playing

c. is you playing

5.         Holidays (kì nghỉ)

Sandra: When are we going to have holidays?

Harry: In 2 weeks in June.

Sandra: And when is our school festival?

Harry: It’s going to be in 10 days on Friday morning. It’s going to be a very big celebration.

Sandra: Oh, it is so exciting! Holidays!

Harry: What are you going to do on the holidays?

Sandra: I’m going to Spain with my parents.

Harry: What are you going to do in Spain?

Sandra: We are going to see the country.

Harry: Where are you going to stay?

Sandra: We are going to stay in a hotel.

Harry: How long are you going to stay there?

Sandra: We are going to stay there 2 weeks and then we’re going back to England.

Answer: What are you going to do on the weekend/the holidays/in your free time? Ask 3 people the same question. 

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